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Sign-On to Support the Child Care Sector

From our friends at Voices for Virginia's Children:

While lawmakers are meeting to revise the state budget during the General Assembly Special Session we have learned 1 in 3 licensed child care centers are closed and do not have a date to reopen. Currently 42% of the child care capacity in Virginia is closed. For those who remained opened, they are experiencing reduced tuition and have overcome huge challenges to keep kids and staff safe. Working families are struggling to find and afford care, both to support virtual learning and to care for their young children. Employers are struggling to support their workforce. And child care programs are struggling to survive on reduced tuition and increased expenses. Read more on the "Child Care Crisis" Lawmakers need to hear from you.... If you are a business leader who supports more child care options for your employees, we need you. If you are a child care program, family child care provider or administrator, we need you. If you are an advocate for parents and children, we need you. TAKE ACTION NOW Read and sign-on to this letter to lawmakers supporting $80 million in child care stabilization grants.

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